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Anger is a natural human emotion that arises in response to threats, injustice, or frustration. While occasional anger is healthy, uncontrolled anger can become disruptive and damaging. When anger becomes excessive, persistent, and interferes with daily life, it might indicate an underlying anger management issue.


People experience and express anger differently. Here's a breakdown of some common ways anger manifests:

  • Outward Anger: This is the most recognisable form, where anger is directed towards others through verbal aggression, yelling, or even physical violence.

  • Passive Anger: This involves expressing anger indirectly through sarcasm, sulking, or giving the silent treatment.

  • Inward Anger: This anger is directed inwards, leading to self-criticism, self-blame, or even self-harming behaviours.


Chronic anger can manifest in various ways, both internally and externally. Some common signs include:

  • Frequent and intense outbursts of anger over minor issues

  • Difficulty controlling your temper and reactions

  • Feeling constantly irritable and on edge

  • Increased physical tension, headaches, or stomach aches

  • Engaging in destructive behaviors like substance abuse or violence

  • Strained relationships due to anger outbursts

  • Difficulty relaxing and managing stress


If you recognise these signs in yourself, the good news is, I can help. With a blend of techniques I can help you to pinpoint the origins of this problem to allow us to process it, leaving you feeling better after the first session.

Are You Ready To Finally Be Free From Anger?

© 2024 by Bonnie Silverback Hypnotherapy

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