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While occasional anxiety is a natural response to life's challenges, anxiety disorders take worry to a whole new level. These are not fleeting concerns, but persistent and overwhelming states that significantly disrupt daily functioning. The most common are:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): This is a constant feeling of unease and worry about everyday things, often accompanied by physical symptoms like fatigue, muscle tension, and sleep problems. Unlike normal worries that fade, GAD anxiety persists for months or even years.

Social Anxiety Disorder: This involves an intense and persistent fear of social situations due to a crippling fear of being scrutinized or judged by others. People with social anxiety may experience physical symptoms like blushing and trembling, and often avoid situations like work events or public speaking due to their anxieties.

Anxiety disorders manifest in various ways, but some common signs include:

  • Excessive worry and fretting that interferes with daily life

  • Persistent feelings of restlessness, nervousness, or being on edge

  • Physical symptoms like fatigue, muscle tension, headaches, and sleep disturbances

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Irritability and impatience

  • Avoiding situations or activities that trigger anxiety


If this sounds like you, the good news is, I can help. With a blend of techniques I can help you process anxiety and leave you feeling better after the first session.

Are You Ready To Finally Be Free From Anxiety?

© 2024 by Bonnie Silverback Hypnotherapy

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